KAYINOW Solar Camping Radio and Camping Lantern Speaker
As the first Multifunctional Radio Speaker Factory from China, We have built upone whole Series of Outdoor Waterproof Bluetooth Radio Speaker for outdoorhiking, travel and camping activities.
A solar radio is essentially a radio that is powered via inbuilt solar panels.Such radios can be great to be used in both remote areas as well as in the caseof a power outage. And because of the same reasons, most solar radios alsooffer other handy functions which are also powered via solar panels.
BatteryCapacity: Just like any other solar-powered device, solar radios also havebatteries inside them. Because of this, checking the capacity of this batteryis quite important. While entry-level models may only offer a battery capacityof 2000 mAh or similar, higher-end models can even go up to 5000 mAh batterycapacities. And we are now focus on the high end outdoor Radio Speakers.
Functions:As a solar radio is usually handy for emergency usage, most of them offermultiple handy functions which can be useful in an emergency device. Thisprimarily includes functions like radio, power bank, flashlight, SOS alarm, andmore. Any solar radio with multiple functions is going to be highly practicaland functional.
PowerSource: Despite being solar radios, most solar radios come with multiple powersource options and not just their inbuilt solar panel. You can find powersources like USB power and even hand-crank power in some solar radios makingthem highly versatile for all kinds of uses.
Aconclude functions are here:
Hand-crankfor emergency power charging, which can charge 500 mAh per hour
Solarcharging, can charge 100mAh per hour
Radiofunction, Automatic station search
5000mAhhigh-capacity battery for charging mobile devices
3modes Flashlight - include Reading night light
SOS Emergency alarm
KAYINOWPrivate Patented products
IPX5waterproof, drop-proof and dust-proof