What is Multi-functional Outdoor Radio Bluetooth Speaker.

visits:264 Time:2023-07-13 11:59:05

KAYINOW is a reliable original Chinese brand known for its emergency radios. 


The KAYINOW DF-580 uses solar power, USB, dynamo cranking, and Build-in Lithonbatteries to provide power for the torch flashlight and radio.

Inthe case of emergency, you may not have access to the internet or television toget disaster information. A portable radio unit with its own power source is areliable source of information for every day use, emergencies, disaster or evenjust adventuring with.

TheKAYINOW DF-580 accesses AM/FM radio as well as all 7 of the NOAA weatherchannels, meaning you’ll be able to receive information wherever you are. Thesolar panel works perfectly during the daytime and charges the internalbuilt-in battery during the night, and if you don’t have access to reliablesolar light the hand-crank works all the time. This unit also features a telescoping antenna allowing you to maximizeclarity on your chosen station.


Lightand communication are crucial areas of preparedness that are frequentlyundervalued. Light supplements all other facets of your emergency plan. Findingyour emergency toilet, preparing meals, filtering water, and cleaning up woundsbecome next to impossible if you can’t see! The built-in flashlight in thisKaito radio features 3 bright LED lights, making this an all in one unit! Youcan use this flashlight for light or signaling.

Likewise,communication options (like radios or cell phones) allow you to keep track ofevacuation alerts, updates, safe-zones, and advisories. Information can be aslife-saving as clean water in perilous situations.

Thisunit also features a headphone jack for private listening. You can also use it to charge your cell phone, if needed.


KAYINOWDF-580 Features:

EmergencyRadio Bluetooth Speaker

FM/AM/NOAARadio stations

3 LEDFlashlight


Solarcharge panel for power, USB, hand crank, and build-in Lithon battery poweroptions

5000mAhhigh-capacity battery for charging mobile devices

EmergencySOS alarm

IPX5waterproof and dustproof

Portablefor outdoors

Weight:416 grams

Dimensions:166*52*78 mm

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